ITSSV6 - IPv6 ITS Station Stack for Cooperative ITS FOTs

ITSSv6 is a European Project (STREP) from the 7th Programme Framework (Grant 270519), Call 6 (ICT-2009.6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency) started in February 2011 and lasting until January 2014. The project is coordinated by INRIA (http://www.lara.prd.fr) and gathers Universidad de Murcia, Institut Telecom, lesswire, SZTAKI, IPTE and BlueTechnix.

The objectives of ITSSv6 are summarized on the ITSSv6 Poster

ITSSv6 builds on the base of existing standards from ETSI, ISO and IETF and IPv6 software available from CVIS and GeoNet projects. Its main objectif is to deliver an optimized IPv6. ITSSv6 tasks include:

  • Gathering third party users into a common User Forum to collect user's requirements
  • Enhancement of existing IPv6-related ITS station standards and specification of missing features
  • Implementing IPv6-related ITS station standards
  • Validation of the implementation and scientifical assessment of its performance
  • Porting the IPv6 ITS station stack to selected third party platforms
  • Supporting third parties in the use of the IPv6 ITS station stack

Scope of ITSSV6 in the ITS station stack
